We are extremely grateful to each and every one of our supporters and funders – without you, the work we do wouldn’t be possible.

The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust

Catherine Cookson Charitable Trust

D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust

Harriet’s Trust

Hedley Foundation

The London Chorus

Rayne Foundation

Schroder Charity Trust

Scops Arts Trust

St James Quintet

Swire 2765

Three Monkies Trust

Wavendon Foundation

Special thanks to…

We would like to extend our gratitude to the kind individuals who continue to support us so generously – including those who wish to remain anonymous.

Find out more about becoming an Orchestras for All Friend >

Baton Circle

James Abell

Robin Daniels

Emily Sayers

Philip Whalley

Orchestra Friends

Amanda Mackenzie Stuart

Jonathan Swire

Ruth Prior

Luke Mayhew

Oliver Hudson

Section Friends

Kate Danielson (percussion)

Susanna Eastburn (viola)

Marianna Hay (trombone)

Aoife Ni Luanaigh and Andrew Froggatt (cello)

Christine O'Brien (clarinet)

Fiona Orme (clarinet)

Charlotte Parkyn

Nick Thorne

Christopher Walter

Marie-Alixe Brenninkmeijer

Marcus Thompson

Charlie and Juliet Simpson

Susan Kingsley

Musician Friends

Ewan Armstrong

Judy Aspinall

Douglas Bendall-Breen

Stuart Burns (clarinet)

Mark Carey (flute)

Jonathan Cooke (trombone)

Tony Grout (violin)

Heather Hudson

Katie Mackenzie Stuart

Nicola Meredith (double bass)

Dave and Jan Peddie

Jessica Pollard

Keith Wood (4).png

Our promise to supporters

As a registered charity, we are so grateful for your support. In return, we promise that we will:

  • use your donation wisely in order to have the greatest impact on the lives of young musicians facing access to music-making across the UK;

  • store and manage your information responsibly and in accordance with Data Protection legislation;

  • update you on the progress of our work and the impact of your support, should you be happy to receive such information from us.

If you would like to discuss our fundraising work in more detail, please contact the Orchestras for All team at or on 0207 267 4141.